Global Peace Chain has come up with a unique and exclusive idea for empowering youth under the program named Youth World Cup’21. The purpose behind this fully-funded international youth world cup is to acknowledge the contribution and struggle, and achievements of the youth in fulfilling the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Global Peace Chain through this extraordinary youth opportunity in Turkey aims to show the world the enthusiasm of the youth of modern times towards peace, poverty reduction, educational progress, gender equality, health awareness,  promotion of arts, technology, freedom, and justice as well as the youth entrepreneurship. In order to uplift the morale of international youth, the GPC Youth World Cup 2021 in Turkey provides a chance to the participating youth to win cash prizes up to $ 20,000.

Global Peace Chain, as is represented by its name is an organization with the vision to promote peace around the globe. For this, the organization has successfully conducted numerous fully funded or partially funded conferences and events. Similarly, the 2021 youth event is also destined to promote social harmony and sustainable peace by bringing peacebuilders from all around the world on the same platform in Turkey. The Youth World Cup 2021 is basically a competition by a Global Peace Chain among those who consider themselves a channel to bring positive change to this world through their work and efforts. The details about the eligibility, benefits, application process and terms and conditions of this fully-funded youth opportunity in Turkey are discussed below in detail.

The Global Peace Chain invites applicants from all over the world to contest at a total of 300 seats in this funded Youth World Cup’21. However, these 300 seats are further categorized into fully funded, partially funded, and self-funded seats owing to the terms and conditions of the program. The best part of this program is the equal opportunity to contest for any seat regardless of the size of the country or population. Moreover, the areas in which the applicants can contest are divided into ten categories, keeping in view the 17 SDGs of the United Nations. The international youth festival has also taken initiative to acknowledge the contributions of young influencers either singers, models, painters, photographers, vloggers, bloggers, anchors, and YouTubers.

In the international youth world cup, the Global Peace Chain will select the participants on the basis of direct public voting and judge’s choice. The winner will get a huge prize of $10,000 and other runner-ups will also get the prizes of $1000. The event has many benefits apart from the cash prizes. Besides this, the participants are categorized into two classes: the contestants, and the delegates. The contestants can also apply as delegates with the separate form. Youth World Cup provides an extraordinary chance to get a fully-funded seat as a delegate and a funded seat as a contestant, as the program provides a total of 15 fully-funded seats to the delegates and 50 funded seats to the contestants. The opportunity is therefore something, the applicants must try their best to be selected for. All the required details are given and comprehensively elucidated in the following lines.

Youth World Cup 2021 in Turkey:

Host Country:

  • Turkey

Host Organization:

  • Global Peace Chain

Event Location:

  • Istanbul

Event Dates:

  • Oct 27th -29th, 2021.

Youth World Cup Categories:

  • Delegates
  • Contestants

Benefits of the Youth World Cup 2021 in Turkey:

  • The winner of the Youth World Cup will receive a cash prize of $10,000.
  • The runner-ups from each category will receive ten more cash prizes of $1000 each.
  • 50 contestants, five quarter-finalists from each category will be given a funded trip to Istanbul, Turkey to attend the award ceremony.
  • 15 fully-funded seats are allocated for the delegates.
  • 25 partially funded seats are allocated for the delegates.
  • A chance to attend an international conference in Turkey based on promoting peace and harmony.
  • A chance to attend the penal discussion peace stories and diplomatic sessions with the world’s renowned peacebuilders and influencers.
  • Trophies, silver/bronze medals, certificates, and souvenirs will be awarded.

Eligibility Criteria of the GPC Youth World Cup 2021:

  • The participants from every nationality can apply in this youth competition.
  • The applicants must be between the age of 16-40 years.
  • The applicant’s work must be dedicated to achieving the categorized 17 United Nations SDGs.
  • The applicant must be fluent in English, and must not have difficulty in communicating in English. However, no English Proficiency Certificate is necessarily needed.
  • The applicant must have a passport or must be able to travel to Turkey for the event and contest.
  • Students and professionals are highly encouraged to apply.

How to apply for the Youth World Cup 2021 in Turkey?

  • The applicants have to apply online at the link given below.
  • The applicants have to apply as a delegate or as a contestant.
  • The application fee for the contestant is $40 and the application fee for the delegate is $30.
  • The applicant can apply as a contestant as well as the delegate, but for both categories, the application fee and application form will be submitted differently.
  • The applicant must select the country and provide the required personal information before starting the application process.
  • In order to apply, the applicant has to create an account in which the applicant has to provide basic information, payment method for the payment of application fee, and a profile that will represent all the requirements of the eligibility.

Application Process of the Youth World Cup 2021:

  • Once the applicant has successfully created the profile the following application process will be followed.
  • Once the application is submitted a confirmation email will be received.
  • The applicant’s profile will be updated on within 48 hours.
  • The applicants will receive a web page link that will help them to attract the votes during the process to contest.

How to contest?

The competition is divided into four stages for the contest.

  1. Group Stage: At this stage, the applicants will be contesting as a country’s player and will be selected by the general public.
  2. The second stage is the quarter-finals and the applicants will be contesting in their respective region/continent. This round is also on people’s choice and the country will be selected as a player from the whole region.
  3. In the semi-final stage. the quarter-finalists are given a task on community services which they will represent in Turkey. The semi-finalists will be called to Turkey on a partially funded basis. The semi-finalists will be declared by the penal of international judges. The best 5 quarter-finalists will be declared as winners in the semi-finals and will be awarded different awards including cash prizes.
  4. Out of 10 semi-finalists, a finalist will be chosen who will fulfill the following criteria and will get a maximum mark.
    1. 30% People choice
    2. 60% Judges choice
    3. 10% Social media campaigning from day one.

Required Documents:

  • A good quality picture for poster/magazine and publications.
  • 3 activity pictures
  • 5-sec activity-related video clip
  • 5-10 sec youtube video and its link will be posted in the given category in application.

Application Deadline:

  • The application deadline for the Youth World Cup 2021 in Turkey is September 05, 2021.